Mute Lists
Personal list
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Might be you, might be me, but we're not connecting well, so let's go our separate ways.
ppl i dn have time for
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Filthy Commies, America Last, and Perverts
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Various Commie vermin, bitter America Last nobodies, sex perverts and people who unironically say "Adjudicated Rapist" like it's a real thing that's not made up.
Inappropriate blocklists
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Persons publishing and maintaining blocklists that appear inappropriately managed. This includes notable label / person mismatches and auto-generated "follow police" lists.
As this behavior may not persist: If you see someone on this list you think should be cleared, feel free to DM me about it.
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Reply guys, trolls, bigots, fascists, and other annoying fucks.
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MangAnime Avatars
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Accounts that had Anime or Manga cartoons as Avatars on the date they were added to the list. Please notify the list moderator if an account on this list has subsequently changed its avatar to an image not drawn in an Anime or Manga style of cartooning.
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Accounts were added to this list based on using misogynistic slurs or tropes in their posts, because they denigrated feminists for their feminism, or because they expressed admiration for Judith Butler, who is bad for feminism.
RadLib Cranks
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Accounts that exhibit identitarian left neoliberalism to the exclusion of reason or acting like a grown up in a pluralist society.
is this discourse what I have or is it diss
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Initially this was "anaesthesia is bad for my brain but I'm glad I'm easily confused rather than slowly growing internal deaths," now it is also:
Little a guilt by association, as a treat
Bad Vibes
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People that just generally give bad vibes that I would rather not deal with
respecting boundaries
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blocked my old account. ask to be removed and I might. this is so I don't accidentally evade blocks
Propaganda and Fake News
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Anyone who spreads disinformation, knowingly or unknowingly, and/or hateful content.
Includes MSM, politicians, corporations, MAGA, KHive/Blue MAGA/"Resisters", NAFO, Zionists, xenophobes (such as racists, misogynists, and anti-LGBTQ), and more.
This is NOT intended to be used as a MAGA blocklist.
Blocked accounts
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just what even?
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various people that are annoying for various reasons and don't fit on Irritants
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(Hit that bitch with uwu)
Donโt use that is for me to block people I donโt like ;)
On this page you can see in which lists the accounts is included. This includes user lists, mute lists and starterpacks. This overview will never be 100% complete, but every effort is made to check as many lists as possible. It will probably take until January 15th until this overview is close to complete.
Please keep in mind that many mute lists could actually have been intended to be normal user lists.