With this tool you can make a large image of a christmas tree with up to 90 Bluesky accounts you have liked the most in 2024, with a maximum check of up to your last 5 thousand likes. You can use this christmas tree as a seasons greeting to your followers, or do whatever you want to to with it.
You do not need to log in to use this tool. You only need to send a chat message (direct message) that ONLY contains the text "christmastree" (without the quotation marks!) to twexit.nl.
Your request will be registered, and we will send you back a message with a link to this page, that will either show you the status of your request, or it will show your christmas tree, and a list of all the people that are in the picture.
The link to your page is private. It is up to you if you wish to share the link, or wish to share the image with anyone you want ,and how you want.
IMPORTANT: We need to be able to respond to your chat message, so either your chat settings have to be set to allow for messages from everyone, or you need to follow twexit.nl and have your settings to allow messages from users you follow. If we cannot respond to your chat message, we cannot make a christmas tree for you.
My Christmastree
Please read the instructions carefully before you send a message!