Starter Packs
2 Entomology Starter Pack continued!
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Didn't find #Entomology Starter Pack a few weeks back; so I started one!
Natural History Museums
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A collection of natural history museums (& galleries) and the folk who work at them.
Entomological Collections Crew
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Those listed here are actively working with insect collections and are part of the Entomological Collections Network. Give them a follow!
Taxonomy and Systematics
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A great bunch of people and organisations unashamed about doing systematics, taxonomy, nomenclature, phylogenetics, population genetics and any endeavour related to describing and documenting biological diversity.
@‪‬'s Starter Pack
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On this page you can see in which lists the accounts is included. This includes user lists, mute lists and starterpacks. This overview will never be 100% complete, but every effort is made to check as many lists as possible. It will probably take until January 15th until this overview is close to complete.
Please keep in mind that many mute lists could actually have been intended to be normal user lists.