Testing only, not for general use!!!
Account Listed In
Emerald Lavigne, It's the end of the world as we know it
We found 16 lists that included this account. Click a button below to see which lists included this account.
Mute Lists
List by @scoiattolo.mountainherder.xyz
Tankies & Radical Lefties, de facto saboteurs
List by @annaleehq.bsky.social
Unwitting tools for anti democratic and authoritarian agendas. They mean well but spread misinformation and outright lies. Tankies who are mostly decent folk. Not toxic like the BAB list.
Doesn't pass my vibe check
List by @skunkw0rxx.dev
You have toxic vibes and you are not invited to my party.
List by @alyssagambone.bsky.social
Obnoxious, tedious, insufferable leftists
List by @digitaldraco.bsky.social
The kind of people who throw around "shitlib", or "blue MAGA", or "blue anon", or "both sides", or "genocide lover", who attack Democrats more than anyone else, and think voting for Jill Stein is smart. Open to feedback: Did I add someone who shouldn't be here? Did you find someone who should?
List by @halfcockedlaw.bsky.social
they're tankies
🔇 Endless politics
List by @blueotter.bsky.social
Too much of anything isn't good for the soul, especially politics. These are people I likely have no beef with, I just don't want to see the majority of content they post in my feeds.
Blocks I Have Earned
List by @ipwnedu.bsky.social
People who: • Are triggered by and/or absolutely terrified of me! 🤣 • Subscribed to a blocklist without vetting the accounts on it first. • Or mistook me for Matt Mercy's @ipwnedubsky.social "parody" account in 2023.
List by @mediumcheddar.bsky.social
Well poisoning
List by @kromonos.net
Hetzer, Flitzpiepen, übertriebene Listenersteller, Hass-Prediger, Narzissten, Konten mit psychopathischen oder soziopathischen Tendenzen.
List by @kromonos.net
People who behave in a way that makes a kindergarten look like a university.
List by @averagehemulen.bsky.social
Account Listed In
On this page you can see in which lists the accounts is included. This includes user lists, mute lists and starterpacks. This overview will never be 100% complete, but every effort is made to check as many lists as possible. It will probably take until January 15th until this overview is close to complete.

Please keep in mind that many mute lists could actually have been intended to be normal user lists.
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