Mute Lists
Bekannte Durchgeknallte
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In anderen sozialen Netzwerken bereits aufgefallene Trolle und Co
Verwirrt & Strange
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User*Innen, die auffallen mit Spam und eigentlich professionelle Hilfe bräuchten
Militante Omnis
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Ich will nur in Ruhe vegan leben, ich bin echt nicht militant, aber wenn ihr ständig was von "Veganazis" und "veganer Sekte" labert, dann kommt ihr halt auf die Liste und aus euren Tränen extrahiere ich noch B12.
Beleidigte Leberwürste
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Leute, die damit nicht klar kommen, wenn eins sie persönlich blockt und einen deshalb auf Listen mit abenteuerlichen Titeln setzen.
Pranger kann ich auch! Hier also die top beleidigten Leberwürste.
Hater und Trolle
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Trollende Covidioten
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Troll? Kann weg.
Ruhe im Karton
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No Privacy & Scam
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Users who have no respect for data privacy or even support data privacy violations through active or passive doxing.
Especially the artists included in this list do not hesitate to publish customer data.
My mutes
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My little mute list.
Well poisoning
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Hetzer, Flitzpiepen, übertriebene Listenersteller, Hass-Prediger, Narzissten, Konten mit psychopathischen oder soziopathischen Tendenzen.
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Highly toxic and unpleasant people who poison the mood here through posts and behavior. For example: Gaslighting, offensive language, spreading falsehoods, ...
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People who behave in a way that makes a kindergarten look like a university.
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Confused hater
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"mimimi, I hate everybody, mimimi" crybabies, who label everybody as transphobe, Nazi, fascist, racist and start rallies against they don't like ...
People without a hobby and their whole life is on "social" media within their own dreamworld ... sry, I mean bubble 🤷♂️
List by
On this page you can see in which lists the accounts is included. This includes user lists, mute lists and starterpacks. This overview will never be 100% complete, but every effort is made to check as many lists as possible. It will probably take until January 15th until this overview is close to complete.
Please keep in mind that many mute lists could actually have been intended to be normal user lists.