Testing only, not for general use!!!
Bluesky Profile
Forcing people to do something ''for their own good'' is never good. ||
People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.

Wäre gern auf der "Mitteextremisten"-Liste. Hat auch höflich darum gebeten.
Last post: Today
User: #1,338,320, Registered: 2 Oct 2023
We found 6 lists that included this account. It was included in 6 mute lists. and it was not included in any user lists. Please note that we only check for lists from active accounts on Bluesky that have posted in the last 7 days, and checking is ongoing.
1, by: @seraphflux.bsky.social
Mute list
automatically generated by https://blockenheimer.click/
2, by: @spacer.bsky.social
Mute list
TERFs, harassers & far-right users
Transphobes, fascists, far-right, pro-genocide, pro-war-crime, Covid denialism, racists, ableists, sexists, SWERFs, siffuser, trolls, harassing others, pedos(MAP), zoophiles(ζΘΔ)

if you want to add or remove, @ me

includes users from several other mutelists

last updated: 25.05.
3, by: @noboredom.bsky.social
Mute list
Blox und ReBlox
Gegenblock Blocker und Listeninhaber gegen mich 🤷‍♂️

Porn, Bots, Nerv und Terf, Faschisten und Frens, Mobber und übergriffige, selbstgerechte, beleidigende, aufgehetzte Marionetten mit mangelnder Medienkompetenz, Anti-Alt, Cryptos, Neolibs, Hassschleudern, NZZ- und Springerjournos.

update 06.09.2024
4, by: @bruxerizmo.bsky.social
Mute list
German "anti-fascists"
Racist white liberals justifying the displacement and genocide of Palestinians
5, by: @skreee.bsky.social
Mute list
Transfeindliche Accounts
Grösstenteils transfeindliche Hetz-Accounts und ein paar Engagement-Farming Accounts, die kein Problem mit Transhass haben.
6, by: @daspuppy.de
Mute list
People I blocked. Reasons can vary from personal reasons, to political reasons, to block backs. You should NOT subscribe to this list.

NICHT ABONNIEREN! Hier könnten Mutuals von dir drauf sein! Ich blocke aus allen möglichen Gründen: persönl., politisch, zurückgeblocke, u.a.
Bluesky Profile
To be added...
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